Good Afternoon,
Thank you for visiting my blog. Have you seen the latest posting on the Florida Writers website? Yes! It’s a video with my name and photo as a 2020 RPLA finalist. Now I can share not only my Finalist Badge but the link to this video. Did I win again? I’m praying.
When will I know who the winners are? The names will be revealed at the live remote awards ceremony October 17, 2020. No, there won’t be 500+ of Florida Writers Association members and their guests in a ballroom. It will be Barry and I in our office.
Through Crowd Cast technology, we’ll learn if No Parents Allowed will be a winner. I’ve revised this book and put my blood, sweat, and tears into the rewrites. Because of the pandemic, the ceremony will be far different from the usual gala, but if I win, I’ll be happy to celebrate with my husband.
How has Covid changed your plans?